Certificate in Worldview and Civilization of Islam (CWCI)
In this program, learners will be exposed to the fundamental and important elements of the Worldview and Civilization of Islam. By doing so, learners will understand, appreciate the religion of Islam rather profoundly as well as develop positive engagements in the multiculture, cosmopolitan and global city. The modules offered among others, will explore key concepts, basic principles; the knowledge framework of Islamic civilization as expressed in its philosophy, language, traditions, institutions, culture and art.
• Minimum 16 years old
• Basic Fardhu ‘ain and Qur'anic literacy
Semester 1 :
Term 1
Duration of Study (January-March): 13 Weeks
Examination Period (March): 2 Weeks
Term Break (April): 1 Week
Term 2
Duration of Study (April-June): 13 Weeks
Examination Period (Jun): 2 Weeks
Term Break (Jun): 1 Week
Semester 2 :
Term 3
Duration of Study (July-September): 13 Weeks
Examination Period (September): 2 Weeks
Term Break (September): 1 Week
Term 4
Duration of Study (October-December): 13 Weeks
Examination Period (December): 2 Weeks
Term Break (December): 1 Weeks
Class schedules can be accessed by clicking the "Register Online" button at the end of this page.
1. Level 1
a. Introductory
In a period of 30 weeks, participants will be introduced to various tools of learning that would assist them in their own personal investigation of the worldview and civilisation of Islam.
b. Core
In a period of 25 weeks, participants will be exposed to the fundamental elements of the metaphysical worldview of Islam vis-a-vis other worldviews and civilisations.
2. Level 2
a. Elective 1
In a period of 30 weeks, participants will undergo a more intensive thematic study of issues that are deduced from the discussion on the metaphysical worldview of Islam.
b. Elective 2
In a period of 25 weeks, participants will be exposed to how the worldview of Islam has inspired generations of Muslims, especially those in the Malay world, to develop civilisation. Participants will be engaging with various intellectual, cultural, and physical artifacts produced in the context of Islamic civilisation.
Registration Fee: $62
Tuition Fee: $526.80 for 1 semester paid monthly $87.80 during 6 months through giro